Poor Law : R J Lynch


Poor Law : R J Lynch

Poor Law : R J LynchLynch’s concern is not with the aristocracy, wayward dukes and spoilt princesses – he writes about the people at the bottom of the social heap, for whom every day is a struggle to survive and yet whose humanity stands out as they love, bicker and sometimes fight.

In the midst of all this, a serial killer stalks Ryton. But why? And who?

In this book, Kate Greener’s love for James Blakiston conceived in Book 1 (A Just and Upright Man) is opposed by James’s implacable sister, Hannah and Susannah Bent’s belief that James is meant for her.

A Just and Upright Man, Book 1 in the James Blakiston series, by R J Lynch, is also on Whizbuzz Books

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