Need Money? Buy Some! : Dr. Drasko Veselinovic
Need Money? Buy Some!
Have fun and read some bestselling wise and provocative sayings at the same time! More than 1000 aphorisms. Prepare yourself for the amusement and joy when reading this book. The first one in a series. You’ll love it.
In this book, you will find wise, funny, and provocative thoughts or aphorisms as we call them on finance, the stock market (wisdom), business, entrepreneurship, jobs, information technology, economics, legal, health and psychological issues, sports, women-men relationship, family, politics, people characteristics and some also on general wisdom issues.
There are so many problematic, weird, ridiculous, contradictory, wrong, awkward and other characteristically typical situations that we have been facing in our lives every single day. Drasko writes them down and makes them intelligent and also funny with a kind of ‘twist’ that every good, wise, provocative thought should have. We call it aphorism. Reading aphorisms is a fun, relaxation and a reminder. You might also want to use them in certain situations as many people did already with many of those that Drasko wrote.
Dr. Drasko Veselinovic published already three books of sayings/quotes/proverbs so far, and they were all very successful. They all received outstanding critics, and sold very well. They also attracted some sponsors. Drasko’s aphorisms were reproduced on TV, radio, in all kind of newspapers and magazines, they used them for different quotes, examples. In one school they chose some of his aphorisms and printed them on T-shirts which were given out to the winners of the school reading competition. There were also some literary evenings organized with some famous actors reading them. Among others, a very famous European poet, a member of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts in European Union, whose poems were translated in many leading languages, wrote a rewarding critic about Drasko’s book and him personally what makes this book additionally unique. You can read his direct words in the introduction of the book. This digital and printed book of aphorisms is his first one in English.
Therefore, after all, said, just go and get this book and start reading or/and using some wise, funny and provocative thoughts on the most exciting aspects of life including very rare aphorisms that are his favorite on finance, stock exchange, economy, economics, business, and woman-men-family relationship. Learn what exciting ‘twisted’ aphorisms are and have some wicked thoughts yourself too.
Drasko Veselinovic has Ph.D. in financial economics/international finance, and many aphorisms are on that subject. He was in charge of establishing the stock exchange what is, by the way, the title of his next book. He was the CEO of Ljubljana Stock Exchange (LJSE) for 15 years. Later he served as CEO of different international financial institutions and in parallel as associated professor of finance. He already solely published six classically printed books on different financial topics, and they were all very successful. He appeared additionally in some international books as co-author. He is currently residing and working in Brussels, Belgium where he is managing SBRA, international association which is dealing with different European institutions.
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