Delicious Meals For 1.22 Euros : Kat Miller


Delicious Meals For 1.22 Euros : Kat Miller

Delicious Meals For 1.22 Euros : Kat MillerDelicious Meals For 1.22 Euros

This book is addressed to anyone who is attempting to cook delicious, nutritious and healthy meals on a budget. It costs an average of 1.22 Euros Per Person (excluding dessert) to make these meals, and an average of 1.72 Euros Per Person (including dessert) to make them.

Whether you are a complete beginner who has never cooked a meal in their life, or whether you are an experienced cook, it is certain that this book will provide you with cheap, extremely tasty recipes which you will be able to make on a regular basis and enjoy.

All of the recipes come with simple, step-by-step instructions with photographs, so anyone can understand how to prepare these meals.

No fancy cooking utensils or expensive ingredients are required to make any of these recipes: all of the necessary cooking utensils can be found in even the most basic of kitchens, and the only ingredients which are required to make these recipes are staples (e.g. flour, sugar, canned tuna) and fresh produce (e.g. fresh fruit and vegetables).

As a young professional who is endeavouring to spend as little as possible on healthy, tasty, complete and well-balanced home-made meals, and as an individual who has previously cooked in the kitchens of restaurants and pubs, I felt that I possessed the knowledge which was necessary to write a book about how to make decent meals on a limited budget. Cooking your own meals provides you with numerous, considerable advantages. For instance, you can dictate exactly how much or how little of a particular ingredient to put in your favourite meal (this is particularly useful for those who suffer from food allergies). You can also save huge amounts of money by cooking your own meals (see the “Real Italian Pizza” recipe for an excellent example of this. In this recipe, I show you how to make an authentic Italian pizza at a cost of 0.82 Euros per person).

I hope that those who are in similar or in identical circumstances to mine find this book useful, enjoy it, and are able to keep fit and save money by cooking the recipes which are contained within this book. It is this hope that incited me to write my own cook book, which consists in recipes that I make on a regular basis, and which are loved by all of those who have tasted them.

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