Elusive Obsession : Judy Kentrus
Elusive Obsession
Julie Keaton is an attractive widow, raising two children on her own. It’s a never ending challenge being both mother and father, but she’s worked hard and is proud of what she’s been able to provide for her children.
She’s never accepted the circumstances behind her husband’s death. Was it a tragic accident or was he killed because he knew too much? Fate steps in when Julie’s sister asks her for a last minute favor.
Mardi owns a party specialty and catering business. Julie is to pop out of a birthday cake, do a little bump and grind, for an 85 year old senior citizen. It’s an easy $200.00 for a half hour’s work. Julie’s favor turns into a nightmare when the banquet staff delivers the cake to the wrong party. The birthday boy is no geriatric senior citizen, but a virile, handsome male no older than 35.
Scott Landis was losing interest in his surprise birthday party. His boredom is cut short when his special birthday gift arrives in the form of a sexy, blond stripper. It had been a long time since he felt this instant attraction to a woman, especially a female who makes her living entertaining men.
When he gets hit in the face with a lacy red garter, he decides its time to have a little fun and wonders how much she would charge to celebrate his birthday in a more private setting.
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