The Care and Feeding of Exotic Pets : Diana Wagman

The Care & Feeding of Exotic Pets

The Care and Feeding of Exotic Pets : Diana Wagman

The Care and Feeding of Exotic Pets : Diana WagmanThe Care & Feeding of Exotic Pets

Winnie Parker, mother to an angst-ridden teenage daughter and ex-wife to a successful game show host who left her for a twenty-something contestant, begins a normal day in her hum-drum existence by dropping her car off at the repair shop. After accepting what she believes is a ride to pick up her rental car, Winnie realizes too late that she’s been kidnapped.

What follows is a riveting psychological game of cat and mouse set in the kidnapper’s tropically heated house — kept that way for Cookie, a menacing seven-foot long iguana headquartered in the kitchen. While desperately seeking to escape— which leads to several violent clashes with her increasingly unstable kidnapper —Winnie also tries to understand why she was taken captive.

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