The Cigar Cutter : Harrison West
The Cigar Cutter: A Beginner’s Guide To Selecting The Best Cigar & Cutting The Rest Want To Avoid Common Mistakes With Cigars? Select The Best Cigar For You & Enjoy…
Company-wide Agility : Jutta Eckstein & John Buck
Company-wide Agility with Beyond Budgeting, Open Space & Sociocracy: Survive & Thrive on Disruption Today companies are expected to be flexible and both rapidly responsive and resilient to change, which…
IT’S OVER!! : Ronica E. Akins
What Happens To The House?: How To Apply For An ‘Order For Sale’ If Your Ex Won’t Sell Or Buy You Out. Do you jointly own a UK property with…
Finding Ourselves in Venice, Florence, Rome & Barcelona : Al & Sunny Lockwood
Finding Ourselves in Venice, Florence, Rome & Barcelona In this feel-good travel memoir two veteran travelers explore the wonders of grand European cities discovering colorful characters, amazing architecture, fascinating art,…
The Pickwick Club Disaster : John E. Keefe
The Pickwick Club Disaster: Boston’s Deadliest Building Collapse The temperature outside still hovered at a balmy seventy degrees, but inside the crowded, smoke-filled, second floor speakeasy, it was a different…
Surviving Toxic In-Laws : Miriam Davids
Surviving Toxic In-Laws : The Big Bullies Ever wonder why most people around the world don’t get along with their in-laws? Is it all about the adage that has been…
In the Rhyme of Life : Jacqueline Rae
In the Rhyme of Life I was in the fourth grade when I started writing my rhymes, which I thought to be poetry at the time. My mother had written…
What’s On Their Mind? : Serge Van Themsche
What’s On Their Mind? We all feel overwhelmed by the speed at which new computing technologies are being thrown at us, but we haven’t seen anything yet. With the upcoming…
Angels : Tara Vanhonacker
Angels: the women of room 12 Parental Guidance Required ! This small book narrates one day in the Immigration Detention Center of Bangkok, where I spent the last months of…
God Does Not Exist : Joseph C Hirl
I was a poor kid that grew up with nothing in the roughest parts of Boston. No money, no faith and no hope. My childhood was one full of pain,…