ABCs to Amazon Self Publishing : DR. Andrew C S Koh
This is a sequel to my first book, “Memoirs of a Doctor”. The book is divided into two sections. In the first section, I shared my journey into the world of writing and publication. In the second section, I shared the tips and tricks on how to publish on Amazon as an independent publisher.
A great book as a study for new authors to overcome any mental blocks and get started. A simple guide, well written and easy to follow, step-by-step guidance on how to write and publish your books. A great motivator and full of information. I am on the ARC team and I leave an honest review. I recommend this book to other readers, J Sharmani, Bookbub, 5 out of stars.
A very useful and informative book for amateur writers with tips and tricks to get started and motivated. This book will help to diffuse any mental blocks and a great inspiration to help new authors to get started. I received this book for free and I leave an honest review. I recommend this book to other readers, Goodreads, J Sharmani, 5 out of 5 stars.
This is a nice concise guide for a person who has no experience on how to self-publish their book on Amazon. It is truly helpful, Rowan E Creech, Goodreads, 5 out of 5 stars
Dr. Koh makes good on his promise to teach the beginner everything he or she needs to know to get started as a self-publisher on Amazon. This book is a fountain of knowledge if the reader sticks with it long enough to get to the meat of the matter which is found in the second half of the book. What I downloaded this book for and what most people will have downloaded it for is found in chapters five through ten. The first half of the book is interesting reading, but it’s not essential to learn how to publish with KDP, so I recommend reading the second half of the book first and then going back and reading the first half when time permits, Jerry Walsh, Amazon, 4 out of 5 stars
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