A Garage Full of Ferraris : Keith Johnston
Every organization needs leadership. The organizations that achieve the most are usually the ones that have the strongest leaders.
This book highlights the careers of a group of people who have achieved significant success in their lives who understand leadership.
You will learn: • How ordinary people overcome obstacles to achieve their dreams
• What role mentors play in your success and how to find a mentor
• How to change culture and bring about change
• The importance of having a vision and how to create a powerful vision even if you do not believe you are a visionary.
• Practical, simple approaches to motivate your team.
The stories in this book are not about the chief executive officers of multinational corporations or world leaders, but rather about people challenged to achieve significant goals by working through other people. These are the people who know how to lead and know how to unleash the potential in their high-performance teams to drive extraordinary results.
Some of the people I showcase consider themselves natural leaders, while others have never thought of themselves as leaders at all, but all of them have faced the challenge of having to use leadership skills to achieve an objective. Their advice comes from organizations of all shapes and sizes because leadership does not come in one form.
You can influence the people working for you and achieve the kind of success that you desire no matter your company’s size. What leaders have in common is they achieve success by influencing people. They show courage in the face of adversity and they dare to be different.