Castle on the Hill : Lloyd A. Green


Castle on the Hill : Lloyd A. Green

Castle on the Hill : Lloyd A. GreenCastle on the Hill : Secrets

Take four high school students who have an ever-increasing interest in one another, add one brilliant-but-mad scientist with a creation/immortality obsession, and then top it off with spirits that desperately need to find a host. Mix them all together and you have Castle on the Hill: Secrets, a speculative fiction novella, which will keep you guessing as the students fight for their lives.

In the year 2067, the High School for Dimensional Arts, also known as the Castle, has opened its doors to its freshman class. The specialized technology of Dimensional Arts enables students to build various forms of art through mental controls. Unfortunately, the founder is conducting his own experiments and plans to use the students as his guinea pigs. Professor Stone calls his newest discovery, Waters of Eternal Life and Liberty or W.E.L.L. He lives by the quote, “Only after you accept that you must die, will you understand that you can live forever.”

Dora, who is also the daughter of the man who created the school, has learned to be cautious when dealing with others but her first weeks at Dimensional Arts have been filled with warm friendships. One of these is a talented young student and childhood acquaintance named Ethan. But even as she and Ethan reminisce under a tree in a nearby park, her new friend Grace has decided that she only has eyes for Dora. Then there’s Phillip who will do whatever he has to in order be everyone’s friend.

You are invited to spend a day at Dimensional Arts and see just how complicated high school can really be.

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