The Gumshoe Diaries : Nicholas Sheridan Stanton

The Gumshoe Diaries:

The Gumshoe Diaries : Nicholas Sheridan Stanton

The Gumshoe Diaries : Nicholas Sheridan StantonThe Gumshoe Diaries: Fortune Cookies Always Lie

Whitey Roode, a shaggy former gold shield on the LAPD turned private investigator after being invited to retire by the brass is hired by a quirky gay Asian couple, Lu Rong and Jai Lai to find the killer or killers of Lu’s niece Mei Li Teng, a.k.a. Sally November.

Little Miss Sally turns out to be anything but the goody two shoes college student that her Uncle believes her to be. What ensues is a wheels within wheels scavenger hunt for whodunit and why.



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