Zero Point : Tim Fairchild

Zero Point

Zero Point : Tim Fairchild

Zero Point : Tim FairchildZero Point

While on a routine archaeology project in the Canary Islands, two members of The International Consortium for Artifact Preservation make an amazing discovery in an ancient burial tomb; a discovery that could lead to the location of an ancient Christian artifact. In an effort to preserve the discovery from looters, Dr. Eli Turner and Maria Santiago begin the excavation. Little do they know that malevolent eyes are watching them from above.

Sinister forces led by Japanese mob leader, Yagato Osama and a self-exiled industrialist, Robert Pencor are driven by greed and revenge and will stop at nothing in their effort to control the world’s newest energy source; an energy device that will make oil obsolete. Their Zero point energy devices will ultimately change the geopolitical structure of the world as we know it, but it comes with a price; the death of millions. A new and powerful weapon of mass destruction is locked on a final countdown to unleash nature’s ultimate fury; the likes never before witnessed by mankind.

Eli Turner’s son, and archaeologist, Josh Turner along with his longtime friend Samuel Caberra, are unwittingly thrust into a life and death struggle as the ICAP team is marked for death by Osama and Pencor in their effort to protect their plans. Adding to the peril is Alton Burr, the fanatical leader of a secular movement who will stop at nothing to ensure the ancient discoveries are never brought to light, even if it means – murder.

It’s a race against time as archaeologist, Josh Turner, and his friends, set out to stop the threat and save the lives of millions while seeking to discover the ancient artifacts before they are lost forever.


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