Anatomy Of An Affair : Melissa Martineau Alexander

Anatomy Of An Affair

Anatomy Of An Affair : Melissa Martineau Alexander

Anatomy Of An Affair : Melissa Martineau AlexanderAnatomy Of An Affair: Part I

From the outside, Lily Wentworth seems to have it all; she’s the daughter of seventies rock legend, Hugo Wentworth, has a loving husband, beautiful young daughter.  Looks can be deceiving though, because Lily’s “perfect” life is far from perfect.

There are circumstances happening in her life that she must deal with.  In order to do so, she needs to divulge her secrets, specifically, the passionate affair she embarked on with her husband’s best friend,  Kyle O’Reilly.

Lily is at a loss.  In order to move forward, she must go back and retrace her steps to figure out how she got to this place in her life.  She isn’t looking for excuses or your sympathy.  Lily just wants to tell her story with all its sordid details in the attempt to figure out her best course of action.

By breaking down her life, Lily is on a quest to discover what drove her to do the unthinkable.  She must understand not only her actions, but the anatomy of an affair.


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