The Seed of Christ / Buddha Within You : Susanna Eun

The Seed of Christ / Buddha Within You

The Seed of Christ / Buddha Within You : Susanna Eun

The Seed of Christ / Buddha Within You : Susanna Eun

The Seed of Christ / Buddha Within You

A compelling question-and-answer format book designed to guide anyone to attaining the God/Christ/Buddha Consciousness in a short period of time.

By following the guidelines suggested in the book, readers will manifest their highest version of Self and embark on a fuller, deeper and ultimately happier life. Released in early March, the book is poised to resonate with readers around the world.

The major tenet of the book is: “It’s time for us to evolve into higher beings.” By delving into the question—Who and What are You, the book explores why we humans have been locked up in the world of limitations and confusions for millennia; and how we were led to believe our identities are only made up of our physical bodies, frail minds, and other personal information.

Unlike other spiritual literature that talks about overcoming ego-self or unconditional love without specific guidelines to follow, this book offers concrete steps to transcend the current belief systems, to discover the divine essence within, and to be re-born with a new sense of identity that is eternal, omniscient, and omnipresent.

Original teachings of Buddha and Jesus that emphasize the sacredness of each individual are interwoven throughout the book; the ways to be freed from all man-made dogmas, rules, and regulations are fully explained.

The authors claim that unless our true identities are discovered, experienced, and lived fully right here and now, love and compassion are just words in the world of illusion, while pain and suffering can never be lessened in our realities.

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