90 Days to Your First Real Estate Investment Purchase : Robert Gill Jr.
How to cash in on your first money-making deal within 90 days, even if you have little money of your own to invest?
90 Days to Your First Real Estate Investment shows you how to begin real estate investing sooner than you thought. This book provides the road map you need to take from the thinking to the doing stage of wealth building. It arms you with the know-how you need to take that leap and score big in residential real estate rental investing.
Robert Gill has spent over five decades investing in commercial and residential properties. His vast investment experience includes single-family houses, units, garden apartments, strip centers, and office buildings. His book shows new and beginning investors alike how to put this essential daily action guide to work for them to profit in residential real estate investing even if never purchased a property and are on a shoe-string budget – with the goal to own an investment property in ninety days.
In 90 Days to Your First Real Estate Investment, you will discover:
• You don’t need a lot of money to own investment real estate
• How you can achieve financial freedom regardless of income
• An intelligent guide to begin wealth building and monthly passive income
• Easy-to-use profit-proven investment strategies for success
• 10 cash flow essentials you need to master to evaluate property opportunities
• 5 Oldie but Goldie rules to analyze investment properties and avoid rooky mistakes
• How to cash in on your first money-making deal within 90 days
• And much more.
And it does not matter if you have never invested a dollar in any financial markets. This book will take you by the hand and lead you towards your desired success and financial freedom!
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