Who You Calling ‘Nappy Head’? : Talita Bay
Who You Calling ‘Nappy Head’?
Author Talita Bay believes in celebrating everyone’s natural hair.
To emphasize the damage women do to their hair in an attempt to fit in, Bay created an unforgettable book featuring a head of hair named Natural.
Natural and the girl she’s attached to face horrible taunts from children who call them “nappy head.”
Soon Natural is subjected to all kinds of torturous procedures in the salon designed to straighten her out and make her less curly and frizzy.
Will Natural give in to her malicious persecutors or stand strong?
“Who You Calling Nappy Head?” will help readers of both sexes understand the reasons cultural expectations can be so toxic. And it shows men, women, boys and girls how important it is to be kind to your hair and to yourself.