Avalanche Effect : Merita King

avalanche effect

Avalanche Effect : Merita King

Avalanche Effect : Merita KingThe Lilean Chronicles: Book Four – Avalanche Effect

It’s been more than two years since Vincent, Farra & Kyle returned from their harrowing experiences on Drycenia and their idyllic family life is shattered by the arrival of a mysterious stranger and the dreadful news he brings them.

Going against the wishes of the Lilean spirit people, Vincent and Farra race from world to world in search of Gabriel and as faces from the past re-appear, they discover the links between a dreadful war, a medal won for valour and a legendary angel.

It began with a broken promise and ended with a change to the path of destiny. A small action taken in a moment of desperation that causes massive changes to the destiny of others.

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