Kaleidoscopic Shades : Dave Neuman

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Kaleidoscopic Shades : Dave Neuman

Kaleidoscopic Shades : Dave NeumanKaleidoscopic Shades – Within Black Eternity is a sci fi/paranormal/ thriller horror… and maybe it’s more one thing than the other. In the words of the Bram Stoker Award nominee, Monique Synman ‘it’s for those that love a good genre-bender.’
Joshua Triplow is just your average kid living in what he believes is the best place on Earth: Corona, California. Only a recurring nightmare begins to plague him – and his friends. In fact, most of the children in ‘the best place to live.’ A nightmare of a man who is integrally tied to his father’s tortured childhood.
Only when a stranger comes calling does Joshua’s father begin to understand the inconceivable  implications of what he thought he had left behind half a world away and years ago… the very same terrors he’d somehow passed onto his son and which seem set to rob Earth of its existence.
Together, Bob Triplow and his son must embark on a journey into another time, another dimension, where Bob confronts the impossible: Mother’s Care Orphanage, a sanctuary for children, whose terror stalked the hallways and dormitories, and where children went missing without trace.
As he fights for sanity in a desperate bid to lay rest all that has gone before, his son finds himself in a twilight zone like no other: where clocks fill the sky and school desks the ground, at which a trillion people and countless more scribble away – they don’t talk, they don’t see, they don’t think – producing all array of clocks that take flight and maddeningly tick away the hour to nowhere. To the endless plains of Black Eternity, beckoning upon each stroke global catastrophe.
Grappling to fully comprehend his purpose, Joshua forces himself on in search of the man who has stalked him through the hours of darkness. He must stop the ticking that reverberates from the sky. He must arrest the onslaught of worlds by arresting the actions of the man in black who perpetuates the scribbling of those lost from thousands of worlds over.

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