What links can I add?
In the Website and Social Media Links section of the submission form, you can add up to four links. These links can be for your website, blog, social media accounts,…
How many words can I add in the book description?
We recommend a maximum of 600 words, but your book description can be a little longer if you wish.
I can’t fit my book description in the field.
The book description field is expandable. Pull down on the bottom right hand corner to make the box larger.
Can I use a pen name?
Yes, you can. Enter your pen name in the Author Name field.
Can I request a specific date for my book to be published on Whizbuzz?
Yes, you can. To specify a date, add a separate line at the beginning of the book description field noting the date you would like. Please note though, that we…
Why do I need to add my Paypal details in the submission form?
We need your Paypal name or email address to match up your payment and submission, and also in the event that we need to track your payment in case of…
How can I make the payment if I don’t have a Paypal account?
You don’t need to have a Paypal account. Once you click on the Paypal button, you will be given the options to pay by credit card or check without creating…
What happens after I make my Paypal payment?
Once you have made your payment, Paypal will redirect you automatically to the Whizbuzz book submission page where you will complete all the details about your book. You will also…